


The admission requirements for the MSSE Degree Program are as follows:

申请人必须- - - - - -

  • 有学士学位吗 从一个完全认可的机构.
  • Have completed coursework in computer programming, calculus, probability & 统计数据, as well as a have capstone experience related to engineering design fundamentals.
  • 信誉良好 在最后一个参加的机构.
  • 平均绩点(GPA)不低于2分.5 在最后一个学位完成或至少2.在过去的60个学期(90个季度)尝试过5个单元.

Note: The program does not accept students residing in the following US States: Alabama, 阿肯色州, 乔治亚州, 堪萨斯, 肯塔基州, 明尼苏达州, 俄勒冈州, 和怀俄明州.


取决于所持有的本科学位类型, the applicant may be admitted with either a classified or conditional admission status.

  • 分类录取以分类的身份被接纳, 申请人必须满足所有项目入学要求.
  • 有条件录取: Applicants who have not completed coursework in computer programming, calculus, probability & 统计数据, as well as a capstone experience related to engineering design fundamentals, 可以考虑有条件录取吗. Those applicants may have to fulfill additional requirements before they attain a classified status. These additional requirements will be determined by evaluating the applicant’s transcripts and work-related experience. The student must also earn a minimum grade of B or better during the first year, (3)出席. Individual study plans are developed for students who qualify for conditionally classified admission.



The following materials are required for admission review by the submission deadline: Please note that the cut-off dates for Admission to the Fall Term is June 1. Applications are not accepted for the Spring or Summer Terms. 

请注意: do not be confused by the Admissions Office dates; the dates they state apply for on-campus courses only. 网络术语与校园术语不一样. The applicant must have been accepted to the university before the first class meeting in order to be considered a graduate student in the MSSE program rather than an open enrollment student or a 继续和专业教育学院 student. Students accepted after the first class meeting will not be able to enroll in courses, and their acceptance will be revoked for non-attendance by the Admissions Office. At this point you will need to re-apply with a new application for the next term.

  • 通过加州州立大学申请
    (需要帮助? 看 基督教社会联盟应用概述视频 下面看看如何!)
  • Contact your previous college(s) to request official transcripts.
    Applicants must provide 1 official transcript from each post-secondary 机构 attended (post-baccalaureate course work included) be sent to the Admissions and Records Department at 基督教社会联盟DH at admissions@weixinmaidan.com. If the 机构 providing the transcript can only mail the transcript, mail it to:

    1000 E. 维多利亚圣.

申请成功提交后, 来自南加州大学招生办公室的通知 & Records will be sent with instructions for logging in to the My基督教社会联盟DH portal and learning how to track your application status.


  • If you are applying and have used other names on your transcripts be sure to include a list with your current name (as on the application) and include all names on your transcripts so that we can group the transcripts when presenting them to the Admissions and Records office with the prospective student’s application ID number.
  • 已传真的成绩单, 不小心打开了, 或非官方/学生副本不被接受. Compilation-style transcripts (such as those from University of New York Regents, 托马斯爱迪生州立大学, or similar programs) are not sufficient for evaluation because these schools tend to delete pertinent academic information from the student's records. Therefore, individual transcripts from ALL schools are required.
  • 国际学生: 请参阅下面的特殊说明 正规澳门平台十大赌博成绩单提交.





研究生申请者, 不论国籍, who do not possess a bachelor's degree from a postsecondary 机构 where English is the principal language of instruction or who have not attended schools at the secondary level or above for at least three years full-time where English is the principal language of instruction must present one of the following:

  • A minimum score of 80 on the internet-based TOEFL exam (iBT)
  • 托福机考成绩不低于213分
  • 6分.雅思学术考试成绩5分或以上
  • A score of 105 or higher on the Duolingo English Test (DET)
  • A score of 53 or higher on the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic

研究生申请者 who have met all admission requirements except 英语水平 may apply for conditional admission through the 美国语言文化课程(ALCP). Once they have improved their English skills and pass TOEFL/IELTS OR qualify for an ALCP 英语水平 Waiver, 他们可以开始他们的学位课程.

Duolingo English Test (DET) is accepted by 基督教社会联盟DH to measure English proficiency. 考试前, please select "基督教社会联盟DH" in the dropdown list of 机构s in order to have your results shared with us. 如果你已经参加了考试,请 为我们提供Duolingo结果的副本 with the URL printed at the bottom and request for Duolingo to share your results with 基督教社会联盟DH.


在美国以外的学校就读的学生.S. 必须获得本科学位, which has equivalency to a four-year degree program in an accredited U.S. 机构.

International Transcript and Credential Evaluation Services

The Admissions Office requires official transcripts from all previously attended 机构s. 如果成绩单不是用英语写的, 它们需要由经过认证的翻译人员进行翻译.

Note: If you are a student from outside of the United States, please apply to the program as an "Internet Student," not an "International Student."

不需要GRE, GMAT或其他入学考试.


