

We have adopted the International Council of Systems Engineering’s (INCOSE) paradigm, philosophy 和 definition of Systems Engineering: http://www.incose.org/about-systems-engineering/system-and-se-definition/systems-engineering-definition.

系统工程是一门 学科间的综合 approach to enable the successful realization, use, retirement of 工程系统,使用 系统原理和概念; 和 scientific, technological, management methods.


建立, balancing 和 integrating stakeholders’ goals, 目的和成功标准, defining actual or anticipated customer needs, 操作al concept 和 required functionality, starting early in the development cycle;

  • SEE 510 | Introduction to Systems Engineering
  • SEE 515 | Introduction to Systems Engineering II

建立 an appropriate lifecycle model, process approach 和 governance structures, 考虑到复杂程度, 不确定性, 改变, 和种类;

  • SEE 570 | Complex Systems Architecture
  • SEE 585 | Engineering Complex Systems

generating 和 evaluating alternative solution concepts 和 architectures;

  • SEE 550 |建模与仿真
  • SEE 560 | Model Based Systems Engineering;
  • SEE 570 | Complex Systems Architecture


  • SEE 550 |建模与仿真
  • SEE 560 | Model-Based Systems Engineering

performing design synthesis 和 system verification 和 validation;

  • SEE 550 |建模与仿真
  • SEE 560 | Model Based Systems Engineering
  • SEE 570 | Complex Systems Architecture
  • SEE 580 | System-of-Systems Engineering

while considering both the problem 和 solution domains, taking into account necessary enabling systems 和 services, 根据系统的整体行为和性能,确定各部分的角色以及各部分之间的关系, 并决定如何平衡所有这些因素,以达到令人满意的结果.

  • SEE 570 | Complex Systems Architecture
  • SEE 580 | System-of-Systems Engineering

Systems Engineering provides facilitation, 指导和领导将相关学科和专业团体整合到一个有凝聚力的工作中, 形成从概念到产品的适当结构的开发过程, 操作, 进化和最终处置.

系统工程考虑客户的业务和技术需求,目标是提供满足用户和其他涉众需求的高质量解决方案, is fit for the intended purpose in real-world 操作, avoids or minimizes adverse unintended consequences.

  • SEE 510 | Introduction to Systems Engineering
  • SEE 530 | Quantitative Methods in Systems Engineering
  • SEE 540 | Economic Factors in Systems Engineering

The goal of all Systems Engineering activities is to manage risk, including the risk of not delivering what the customer wants 和 needs, 延迟交货的风险, 成本过高的风险, the risk of negative unintended consequences. 系统工程活动效用的一个度量是这种风险被降低的程度. 相反, 对系统工程活动缺失的可接受性的度量是由此产生的超额风险的水平.

  • SEE 520 | Analytics in Systems Engineering
  • SEE 530 | Quantitative Methods in Systems Engineering



该项目目前的成本是 每台527美元. 34个单元的硕士课程收费 $17,391.


We estimate that textbooks will cost approximately $200 per course.






Do I have the right background to be successful in the MSSE program?

华南理工大学系统工程理学硕士学位课程是为满足新毕业生的需求而设计的, 早期职业专业人士以及来自不同STEM学科和工程专业的经验丰富的从业者. Systems engineering draws upon the knowledge, 专业人员的技能和能力,在各种领域的本科培训,包括:所有工程学科, 业务, 生物学, 化学, 计算机科学, 计算机技术, 地球科学, 环境研究, 地理位置, 信息技术, 物流, 数学和物理.

系统工程原理, 流程, methodologies 和 tools have been implemented in nearly every field, 包括:

  • 汽车设计与制造
  • 生物技术
  • 反恐
  • 关键基础设施
  • 国防
  • 环境/绿色工程
  • 医疗保健
  • 国土安全
  • 制造业
  • 新一代农业
  • 石油 & 气体
  • 权力 & 能源系统
  • 安全/安全工程
  • 社交网络系统架构
  • 空间系统
  • 电信
  • 运输


What are the MSSE admission requirements?

  • A STEM-focused bachelor’s degree from a fully accredited institution.
  • Good st和ing at the last institution attended.
  • A grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.在最后一个学位上完成5个或在最近60个学期(90个季度)至少完成5个学分.

Depending on the type of the undergraduate degree held, 申请人可以被分类录取或有条件录取.

分类录取: In order to be admitted with a classified status, 申请人必须满足所有一般入学要求,并持有STEM领域的学士学位.

有条件录取: 持有与STEM无关领域的学士学位的申请人可能会被考虑有条件录取,并且在获得分类身份之前可能需要满足额外的要求. 这些额外的要求将通过评估申请人的成绩单和工作经验来确定. The student must earn a minimum grade point average of 3.0 during the first semester of attendance.

研究生申请者, 不论国籍, 没有持有以英语为主要教学语言的专上院校的学士学位,或没有在以英语为主要教学语言的中学或以上程度的全日制学校就读至少三年,必须提交下列其中一项:

  • A minimum score of 80 on the internet-based TOEFL exam (iBT),
  • A minimum score of 213 on the computer-based TOEFL exam
  • 6分.5 or higher on the IELTS Academic Test, or
  • A score of 53 or higher on the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic

Note: the GRE is not required as this is a professional graduate program. 我们的工作伙伴认为,研究生考试对申请人实际应用能力的了解很少.

符合除英语水平外所有入学要求的研究生申请人可通过有条件录取申请 基督教社会联盟DH American Language 和 Culture Program (ALCP). 一旦他们提高了英语技能并通过了托福/雅思考试或有资格获得ALCP英语能力豁免, 他们可以开始他们的学位课程.


How long will it take to complete the MSSE program?

这个程序是 24-month accelerated program completed in 6 consecutive semesters: fall-spring-summer-fall-spring-summer. 它是基于群体的,所以你将与同一组同龄人一起完成课程. 这允许您建立学习小组、项目团队和以领域为中心的学习社区. Students must take courses according to this schedule. 它不能被改变.

讲课内容会被录下来,以便学生在方便的时候复习. Each week, students contribute to the course discussion board. 

The table below details the 6-semester study plan:

第一学期•秋季SEE 500 | The Practice of Systems Engineering (3)
SEE 510 | Introduction to Systems Engineering (3)
第二学期•春季SEE 515 | Introduction to Systems Engineering II (3)
SEE 530 | Quantitative Methods in Systems Engineering (3)
第三学期•夏季SEE 550 |建模与仿真 (3)
SEE 560 | Model Based Systems Engineering (3)
第四学期•秋季 SEE 520 | Analytics in Systems Engineering (3)
SEE 540 | Economic Factors in Systems Engineering (3)
第五学期•春季SEE 570 | Complex Systems Architecture (3)
SEE 580 | Systems-of-Systems Engineering (3)
第六学期•夏季SEE 590 |硕士论文(3)


How much interaction will I have with instructors/classmates in an online program?

与许多传统的面对面课程相比,该课程的设计需要更多的互动. 学生必须每周至少两次通过网络与同学和老师互动 讨论问题(DQs). DQs为学生提供了一个论坛,让他们分享与专业领域或学科相关的观点. Students are required to contribute to at least 2 online discussions each week; each posting must consist of at least a five-sentence paragraph. Postings will be graded 和 factored into the semester grade.


I have to travel frequently/on short notice. Am I a good c和idate for this program?

我们的理念是开发一个从业者学位课程,反映当今创新环境的条件. 工程系统的设计通常由地理上分散的来自不同工程学科的利益相关者支持, 受雇于不同的机构, who may use different terminology 和 systems of measurement. 在线, 本课程选择的异步模式反映了这些互动,并为学生在工作场所进行更有效的合作做好准备.

讲座将被录音, 因此,允许学生灵活地调整他们的学习环境/时间表,以满足他们的个人和专业需求. 在大多数课程中, 工程设计挑战(EDC)将代替传统的考试,因为他们允许学生有机会对现实的技术做出反应, 在与专业环境相似的条件下面临业务和财务挑战.


What happens if I need to take time off from the program?

你应该 schedule an appointment with the Program Coordinator who will help you to develop a plan for resuming your studies.


基督教社会联盟DH MSSE项目是否获得认证?

There are two types of accreditation: 区域(WSCUS), 建立学科(支持).

大多数雇主不承认没有经过地区认证的本科学位, prefer those from ABET-accredited programs. While ABET accreditation is essential for undergraduate STEM degrees, 这不是必需的, expected or even typical for graduate programs. 

According to the Accreditation Board of Engineering 和 Technology (ABET), 世界上只有49个教唆认证的研究生课程-在任何STEM学科中. 尽管在美国有100多个工业/系统工程研究生项目, 只有3所获得教唆认证(http://amspub.教唆.org/aps).

Our program has undergone special accreditation review by WSCUS, which provides regional accreditation. 我们的项目在2020年秋季迎来了第一批学生,目前正在考虑进行ABET审查.

